Sunday, November 2, 2008

time changes and friends

Homer will be so pleased...I am blogging without him whispering - are you blogging? Have you blogged? Are you thinking about blogging?

Tonite was an excellent evening!!! Teri H and Keith A and I went Feather Fest at Camp Raven Knob. They were using the drum I got Homer as a wedding gift, so that was pretty cool. I ran into several people who I hadnt' seen in a while and that is always a pleasant thing to do. I also ran into people that I had seen as recently as our wedding, but I like them just the same, so it was equally pleasant to run into them, too!

I am also pleased to report that I ran into an old friend Mary R. She and I used to be close friends and then lost touch, as sometimes happens with friendships. It was wonderful to catch up with her again. She and her husband have a lovely daughter and are expecting her second child, a boy, in March. I am saddened to know that her father is suffering from Alzheimer's. He was such a neat guy...

After staying at the pow wow for awhile, we headed to Katina G's chicken stew and bonfire. It is about an hour and fifteen minute drive so Teri and I had great conversation. We laughed so hard we cried. I love being with Teri; we are so much alike and we have so much fun when we are together!

We got to Katina's after everyone had come in from the fire, but the food was still going, so we had some excellent grub. Chicken stew, beef/cabbage stew and chili were on tap and man they were yummy. Katina and Jeff also had some Amber Woodchuck and I enjoyed a lovely bottle. We watched the video Jeff made of our wedding - he did an amazing job. Seriously, he should do it as a side job, he would be great!

I had so much fun talking with my two bestest friends!!! It is wonderful nights like this that make you realize how much you have missed spending time with them. I hope that we will continue to see each other often because I love them and am so blessed to have them in my life!

Don't you love the time change? I do! It is really 2.15 a.m., but my clock is telling me 1.15 - that is excellent!

The boys (big and little) are at camp. Tunafish and I are feeling the emptiness...

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