Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving Cards

I have always thought that I was born too late. By that, I mean that I am forever enamoured with things that were popular before my time. An example of that is my fondness for anything to do with the craft of writing, calligraphy, illuminated letters, stationary arts, etc...To that end, I decided earlier this summer that I would attempt to send more snail mail. (Snail mail being the sometimes slow US Postal Service vs. the lightning quick e-mail.)

When it came time to ask my nearest and dearest friends to be in my wedding I thought long and hard about how to ask them. I wanted it to be important, sincere and heartfelt. I also did not want them to feel any kind of pressure to say yes, if they really were unable to. So I decided on writing them all letters. I took some time picking the stationary I wanted. It was quite lovely - gold metallic with a pattern flocked in raspberry, chartreuse or teal. The envelopes were gold metallic as well and I used sealing wax to seal the envelopes. Each letter was specific to the individual person and expressed how much I cared for her, how much our friendship has meant to me over the years and then asked if she would be in my wedding. Somewhere I have pictures of the notes, I will have to find them.

Back to my original story - as fall closed in around us and enveloped us with the lovely array of leaves and pumpkiny goodness, I thought again of snail mail. I selected cards that I liked, stickers to adorn and luckily already had the pens I felt I would need to accomplish the project. I made copies of a recent picture of DH and DS at the Wal-Mart and included a copy of the photo in each card. I also went to the USPO website to see if they had any fall-ish stamps. Much to joy they did and when I went to my local PO, they were actually in stock which hardly ever happens. I handwrote each card and didn't just sign my name, I actually wrote a note in each card. That was a somewhat lengthy process, but cathartic and pleasant. As I wrote, I dreamt of the smiles that I would hopefully bring to the faces of the recipients as they opened their box, groaned over bills and then saw my ray of sunshine. Additionally, I decorated each envelope. You can barely see it in the photo at right, but each leaf has a trail that is brown and textured in gold metallic. There is an additional leaf on the back of each envelope, sealing it shut. I hope that my friends and family enjoy receiving them as much as I enjoyed sending them!

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