Tuesday, November 11, 2008


In my new role as wife and domestic princess, I am attempting to become both a frugal grocery shopper and a decent cook. This is a lofty goal because A - I can't cook and B - I get panic attacks when going to the grocery store. The panic attacks have subsided over time and I have realized ways to negate the urge to go and hide under a rock somewhere.

For instance, last night, we had to go grocery shopping - ugh. I had my list and even called my super friend Katina and had her double check the ingredients of a recipe for me. I was prepared and felt solid. We were in Winston, so we went to the WM in Stanleyville which was overcrowded and the shelves looked like someone had called for a big snow to come in at any moment. Half the shelves were empty and what remained was disheveled. I couldn't find several of the things I required and was forced to admit defeat and go to the Lowe's Grocery nearby. Lowe's Groceries are my store of choice, but I was trying to save moola so inevitably went to the WM. Well, to be honest, I also needed a window scraper and I could, in theory, make a one stop shop at Wally World.

Anyhoo, we went to the Lowe's and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I did not run into a single other customer until I was ready to check out. Light music was playing; they had a fine selection of adult beverages; a lovely deli; samples at said deli and I was delighted to see a former student working behind the deli who happily pointed me in the direction of the items I needed. It was magic. I thought to myself as I perused the wine/beer selections that no matter how much extra it cost to shop there - it was worth it to avoid the zoo at WM.

I found exactly what I needed, in a logical place and of course paid a little more than I wanted, but it was a pleasant experience. To boot, I found the yogurt I had just purchased at WM for $.07 less at Lowe's! WHAT???? Is it possible that not only could I enjoy a pleasurable shopping experience but potentially save money as well??? What a novel idea! It was at that moment that I wished I had a grocery pricebook where I kept track of prices.

I used to do this, once upon a time, but I guess life happened and I lost interest. I have been cruising the net this morning to see how others set up their pricebook. It seems that "whatever works" is the best method. Some write down everything, look at every sale flyer, subscribe to websites like grocerygame. com and are rabid about clipping coupons. Frankly, I'm not there yet. I may never be, but I would like to know I am getting the best deal. I will be thinking about this and keep you informed of successes and failures. If anyone reads this and would like to share thoughts regarding your grocery/price book experiences, please let me know.

Incidentally, I found a lovely ceral at WM called "Uncle Sam's" it has a whopping 10g of fiber per 3/4 cup serving. I am trying to eat more fiber because it fills you up, not because of any regularity issues, but thanks for asking MOM!! I mixed it in with my yogurt and it was pretty yummy. It also has flax seed, so it is a good way to get the oil our bodies need.

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