Sunday, October 26, 2008


As of Saturday, October 25, 2008, I am a married man, though my heart has belonged to Kris for quite some time preceding that day! It was a beautiful ceremony, and we were so blessed to have our families and friends there for our wedding. The rain early on was followed by a beautiful sunny afternoon, and the delay in the ceremony allowed for an awesome sunset to highlight the fall colors in the trees across the ridge.

Kopper Kanyon preformed some great bluegrass music, the food was excellent, and Kris'' decorations were amazing, but nothing was more important that Kris and I and Harry becoming a family before God and in the presence of all our friends and family. In talking about the delay in our wedding, I told Kris that our wedding happened when it was supposed to happen, and that it was absolutely perfect. I think God has a way of letting things happen on his time, and not necesarily when we want them to. Kris was absolutely beautiful, the ceremony was beautiful, the reception was wonderful, and I couldn't have imagined a better day! I cried alot, but they were tears of joy, and I'll blog more about that as time permits later.

The recieving line was one of my favorite aspects of the wedding, though I had my doubts about it at first, because it allowed us to talk momentarily with almost everyone who was there. It meant a great deal to both of us for everyone to be there and share in what took place.

We left for our honeymoon at around 1 am on Sunday morning after spending some great time with friends and family at the reception. We spent the first night in Wilkesboro, and got up this morning with bagels on our brains! We arrived at the Boone Bagelry, a favorite restaurant for both of us, and enjoyed a great breakfast of sweet and savory bagels. While there, we bumped into Daniel Baird, a friend of mine from college at ASU and currently an executive with the Boy Scouts. We left Boone, and went to the Elk Mountain Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway, where I first asked Kris to be my wife over a year ago. We took lots of pictures, and enjoyed the amazing views as we took our time driving and talking.

We rode the Parkway across the Linn Cove Viaduct and down to Marion, where we picked up I-40 and headed to our honeymoon destination. I'll write more about that later as well. For now, we are happily enjoying our honeymoon and our time with each other. We will be blogging throughout the trip so that we can write our memories down and have them to read over for years to come, as well as keep our friends and family updated on what is going on with us!

Thanks to everyone who was there and to all who have passed on well-wishes and congratulations! We'll both write more as time permits, and will share a lot more about the details of the wedding and honeymoon. Until then, please send us pictures from the wedding if you happened to take some! We would love to enjoy your photos from the wedding, as well as your perspectives on the celebration! Visit and click on the link that says view/share pics for more details on how to share your photos with us!

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