Friday, October 31, 2008

Back Into The Swing

So today was the day that we had to try to begin getting back in the swing of things, so to speak. It has been a busy day, as I returned to the office to find my mailbox overflowing, and papers stuffed under my door needing my attention. On top of that, it was Halloween, which meant an office birthday party, costumes, and the Town's Halloween celebration in the local park, part of which I was responsible for organizing.

Everyone was glad to see me back, and commented that they had enjoyed the wedding. Of course, everyone wanted to see the new wedding ring, and asked about the honeymoon as well. So, with all that going on, I guess it wasn't truly a return to normalcy, but it was a start.

The event in the park went well tonight! Harry helped me run the scavenger hunt and pass out candy, and all in all, I am guessing we had between 600 and 700 kids come through. Definitely a fun time! Afterward we went across the street to our neighbors for a Halloween party, and had a great time. I am now blogging, getting ready for bed, and getting ready to head to camp tomorrow for a training weekend for Indian Activities for the Scouts. We will come back Sunday, and then get ready for the week ahead.

So, just what is normalcy? I still haven't completely moved in, and my stuff is in a huge pile in the living room of the house. I am looking forward to getting it sorted out and put away, but when is that going to happen? I have a meeting on Monday and Wednesday night of next week, and will probably be glued to the computer/tv on Tuesday with the election going on, so it is looking like at least Thursday evening before I get some time to start settling in more. It is so easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of everything, I don't see how people can find time to make a home! That is priority for me though--moving in and working with Kris to continue making a home for both of us! I am excited!

I am looking forward to the weekend--it is the 2nd Annual Josh Davis Memorial Featherfest at Raven Knob--a weekend for working with kids who are interested in Native American Singing and dancing. Some of the South Carolina crowd is coming up, and there should be a lot of singers there this weekend. I am looking forward to using the new drum!

I am tired now. It has been a long day of reintroduction to life as a married man, both at home and at work. Maybe the weekend will be a good time to wind down, relax and get in the mindset of coming back home and getting busy getting settled in. Have a great weekend; if I get the chance, I may update from CRK.

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