Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday Morning

Monday morning is apparently about as hard to wake up to on our honeymoon as it is during a regular workweek!

I got up at about 4:30, unable to sleep anymore and did some reading while Kris slept. I made it back to bed at about 6, and just woke Kris up a few minutes ago for our 8:30 breakfast here at the B&B where we are staying, so as soon as she gets ready, we are off to the dining room to enjoy breakfast.

Back to yesterday--the ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway was amazing! We stopped a couple of times along the way to take pictures; while most of the time we were taking the standard "hold the camera two feet away from our faces" photo, someone would inevitably offer to take our picture and strike up conversation, enthralled to learn that we were newlyweds! That was a lot of fun! I drove while Kris dozed between conversations and scenic stops, and it was just a good relaxing drive. At some point, I think we would both like to drive the Parkway from terminus to terminus!

We stopped at a KFC near Marion for a quick snack to tide us over until dinner. That stop resulted in some hilarity that I'll let Kris fill in on later (she has pictures)! At that point, I think we both realized how tired we were!

Today, we are planning to do some shopping, lunch, and then a train ride through the Natahala Gorge. More updates later, cause we're off to breakfast!

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