Friday, February 20, 2009


It has been a while since either one of us has updated this thing, but I had a few minutes and wanted to write a quick note.

We have both been sick lately, I with pneumonia, and Kris with something reminiscent of the same, and Harry has been sick too.  Hopefully we are all getting over the crud!

As a aresult of being sick, I was out of work for about a week.  It has been hard getting back in the swing of things and catching up on the backlog of work.  Tonight, Kris has gone with her firend K to see a play at Salem, so Harry and I have the house to ourselves!  I think we are going to head to the Y and shot some basketball, or we may hang out at home and watch a movie.  This weekend, I think we're catching up on doing some work at home.  

That's it for a quick update.  I'll try to be better about posting on here, even though I'm not sure that anyone reads!